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What is Shopper Marketing Now and Key Future Trends

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Check out the insight from Snipp about Shopper Marketing and the 5 trends that you cannot miss for the future!

Through this whitepaper, you can discover why shopper marketing is important and how to stay abreast of key trends and design effective tactics.

Read the Whitepaper

What is Shopper Marketing?

Shopper Marketing is a marketing strategy brands and retailers use to enhance the in-store and online shopping experience at point-of-sale. Whether it’s optimizing in-store layouts or simplifying the e-commerce checkout process, the goal of Shopper Marketing is to:

  • Deliver Great Customer Experiences
  • Drive Sales
  • Raise Brand Awareness
  • Build Retail Relationships

What does Snipp do?

Snipp provides industry agnostic promotions and loyalty programs to engage customers across the entire path to purchase, powered by our market-leading receipt and transaction processing engine.

Clients can run one-off promotions to evergreen loyalty programs that meet objectives at a brand, shopper, category, and portfolio level and customizable by region, language, channel, retailer and more. Our solutions are tailor-made for brands to build deeper relationships with their customers.

Find it helpful? Also check out their Individual Sponsor Page for more resources!

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