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Preview Agenda – The MarTech Summit London
12 & 13 November 2024
Convene 155 Bishopsgate, Second Floor

Day 1 - Tuesday 12 November

Registration & Energiser Breakfast

Chairperson Introduction & Overview
[Data Analytics & Personalisation] Harnessing Data Insights for Personalised Marketing Strategies

– Explore the transformative potential of data analytics in shaping personalised marketing strategies. Delve into the intricacies of harnessing data insights to craft tailored experiences that resonate with individual consumers. From leveraging advanced analytics tools to deciphering customer behaviours, this presentation offers invaluable insights into the art and science of personalised marketing.
– Discover how data-driven personalisation can drive engagement, foster loyalty, and ultimately propel business growth in today’s dynamic marketplace.

[Digital Transformation] Crafting a Realistic Vision for Digital Marketing Transformation in the Age of AI

– Uncover real-world success stories of integrating advanced technologies into marketing for transformative results.
– Learn effective methods for tracking and evaluating the impact of your digital marketing efforts.
– Navigate the challenge of ‘AI-washing’ in marketing, and discover how to differentiate genuine AI applications from mere hype.

Breakout Roundtable | [Content Management Systems] CIO & CMO Insights: Overcoming CMS Challenges in Infrastructure, Integration, and Security
[Full-Funnel Marketing] Comprehensive Metrics and Strategic Tactics for Maximising ROI

-Dive into the world of full-funnel marketing ROI, where we Explore essential metrics and tactics for measuring success. From tracking KPIs throughout the customer journey to implementing proven tactics and leveraging cutting-edge MarTech stacks, Discover how to achieve and exceed your target ROI.
– Explore the holistic approach to measuring and optimising performance across the entire marketing funnel, driving sustainable growth and maximising returns on your marketing investments.

Morning Coffee Break

[Data-Driven Experiences] Enhancing Customer Journeys through Identity Solutions

– Learn strategies for delivering seamless online customer experiences and leveraging data in a cookieless future.
– Discover how clean rooms and first-party data can significantly improve digital customer journeys.

[Customer Engagement] Uniting Digital Experience, Trust, and Loyalty

– Explore the intersection of digital experience, trust, and loyalty in modern customer engagement strategies. Delve into leveraging digital experiences to foster trust and loyalty, and discover the pivotal role of ethical AI/ML models in deepening customer engagement.
– Learn how aligning marketing strategies with evolving consumer expectations can strengthen connections and drive long-term loyalty in today’s dynamic marketplace.

Breakout Roundtable | [Customer Relationship Management] Elevating Customer Relationships with Advanced CRM Strategies
[Unifying Fragmented CRMs] Creating a Seamless Customer Experience through Combined CRM Systems

– Understanding the complexities and inefficiencies caused by fragmented systems across different company divisions & identifying the key pain points that multiple CRMs create for both internal teams and customers.
– Addressing the importance of maintaining data consistency and quality during the integration process & strategies for effective data governance and management across combined systems
– Approaches for managing change and gaining buy-in from all stakeholders involved in the integration process and training and support mechanisms to ensure smooth transition and adoption by staff.

[Breakout Roundtable] Elevating Customer Relationships with Advanced CRM Strategies

Lunch & Networking

[AI in Marketing] Predictive Insights, Generative Innovation, Robots & Ethical Challenges

– Discover the power of predictive analytics for data-driven forecasting and generative analytics for innovative content creation.
– Defining “robots” in the context of marketing (software bots, AI-driven tools, and physical robots) & how these robots perform repetitive and data-intensive tasks, freeing up human marketers for more strategic roles.
– Explore opportunities where AI enhances decision-making, and generative AI drives content and research innovation.
– Address the critical challenges of ethical concerns, security risks, and effective human-AI collaboration for responsible AI governance in marketing.

[Sustainable Digital Alignment] Aligning Digital Strategies with Executive Vision to Advance Sustainability’s Role in Shaping Consumer Behaviour

– Gain valuable insights on how to position your products and services within a sustainability framework, thereby enhancing marketability and aligning with the shifting societal emphasis on environmental responsibility
– Talking the language of the execs….Hear how to be empowered to communicate effectively with executives and talk their language on the benefits of sustainability-focused strategies.
– Dive into how utilising data to drive sustainable marketing practices and demonstrate tangible business benefits.

Breakout Roundtable | [Media Monitoring & Social Listening] Maximising MarTech Strategies through Unifying Earned, Owned, and Social Media Monitoring
[Brand Engagement] The Evolution of Digital Content Strategy

– Embark on a journey of redefining brand engagement through the power of digital content. Explore emerging trends in content creation, From interactive experiences to captivating multimedia storytelling, that captivate audiences and drive brand loyalty.
– Uncover the strategic placement of digital content within the customer journey, illuminating its role in building connections and driving conversions.
– Navigate the challenges and opportunities in fostering collaboration between marketing and creative teams, unlocking synergies that elevate brand storytelling and engagement to new heights.

Afternoon Coffee Break

[Automated Campaign Management] Streamlining Processes and Enhancing Efficiency with Automated Marketing Solutions

– Unlock the power of marketing automation in revolutionising your marketing processes. This presentation delves into the realm of automated solutions, offering strategies to streamline workflows, increase productivity, and enhance efficiency. From lead nurturing to campaign management, discover how automation can transform routine tasks, allowing marketers to focus on strategic initiatives and creative endeavours.
– Learn best practices for implementing automated solutions effectively, maximising ROI, and staying ahead in today’s competitive landscape. Join us to explore the future of marketing automation and its potential to drive sustainable growth and success.

[Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality] Transforming Retail with VR & AR in MarTech

– Importance and impact of immersive technologies on retail
– Learning curve for consumers and employees
– Measuring the return on investment and effectiveness
– Tips on how to create 3D models to scale for AR/VR

[Digital Marketing Management] How to Master 2025’s Top Digital Marketing Future Trends

– Discover how AI implementation and community building can shape your strategy with data-driven insights on current and future trends.
– Be inspired by successful campaigns from leading brands that are ahead of the curve.
– Get actionable tips to elevate your strategies and achieve immediate results.

Day 1 Closing Remarks & Departure Networking Drinks

Day 2 - Wednesday 13 November

Registration & Energiser Breakfast

We are splitting into B2B & B2C stages on Day 2 for marketers from different verticals to deep dive and exchange ideas.

Day 2 - Wednesday 13 November

Registration & Energiser Breakfast

We are splitting into B2B & B2C stages on Day 2 for marketers from different verticals to deep dive and exchange ideas.

Theme: Customer Experience, Data Analytics & Insights

Chairperson Introduction & Overview


Theme: Sales Enablement & Demand Generation

Chairperson Introduction & Overview

[Loyalty] Crafting the Perfect Customer Journey

- Embark on a journey to perfect The customer experience, transforming unknown individuals into loyal brand advocates. Discover strategies to transition anonymous customers into known entities through value exchange mechanisms, unlocking valuable insights into their preferences and behaviours. Explore The art of creating authentic and meaningful interactions between your brand and customers, transcending transactions to offer genuine value and foster deep connections.
- Learn how to drive loyalty beyond traditional rewards programs, incentivising repeat purchases, nurturing emotional connections, and fuelling long-term retention.
- Join us as we Explore The ideal customer journey, offering actionable insights to cultivate lasting relationships and turn customers into enthusiastic brand advocates.

[Data Challenges] Turning Data into Action & Overcoming Analysis Challenges for B2B Marketers

- Explore the key obstacles in data analysis, including data quality, integration, and interpretation.
- Learn best practices for turning raw data into valuable marketing intelligence, selecting the right tools and technologies, and developing the necessary skills within their teams.
- Discover how to overcome resource constraints and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations while maximising the impact of your data-driven marketing strategies.
- Unlock the potential of data and drive meaningful business growth.

[First-Party Data] Navigating the 3 Ps of CX: Privacy, Prediction, and Personalisation with First-Party Data

- Delve into the core principles of customer experience (CX) - Privacy, Prediction, and Personalisation - and their intersection with first-party data strategies.
- Explore the role of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) in orchestrating tailored campaigns across diverse channels, optimising engagement and driving customer satisfaction.
- Uncover innovative techniques for amalgamating data sources to accurately forecast customer behaviour, enabling proactive and personalised interactions.
- Learn best practices for safeguarding customer privacy by adhering to data regulations and implementing robust data anonymisation techniques, ensuring compliance and building trust.
- Join us as we navigate the evolving landscape of CX, leveraging first-party data to deliver exceptional experiences while respecting customer privacy and preferences.

[Marketing Automation] Streamlining & Automating Marketing Processes for Efficiency and Growth in B2B Companies

- Explore the transformative power of marketing automation in the B2B landscape.
- Discover how automation technologies can streamline repetitive tasks, improve workflow efficiency, and drive scalable growth for B2B organisations.

[E-Commerce] Strategising Across Channels, Products, and Services for E-Commerce Success

- Embark on a journey to navigate the dynamic landscape of e-commerce excellence.
- Explore strategies for adapting to evolving consumer behaviours and preferences in the digital marketplace, ensuring sustained success in a rapidly changing environment.
- Delve into best practices for leveraging discounts, promotions, and bundling techniques to attract and retain online customers, ultimately increasing average order value (AOV) and driving profitability.
- Join us as we uncover actionable insights and innovative approaches to elevate your e-commerce performance and achieve sustained growth in today's competitive landscape.

[Revenue Generating] Maximising Productivity Across the Buyer Journey through Enablement Strategies

- Discover the critical importance of aligning enablement strategies with the different stages of the buyer journey among sales and marketing teams.
- Gain valuable insights into identifying and implementing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of revenue enablement initiatives effectively.
- Explore practical approaches and best practices for optimising sales and marketing productivity through strategic enablement efforts.

Morning Coffee Break

Morning Coffee Break

[Native Campaign Creation and AI Integration] Transforming Retail Media: Bol.com's Journey to Native Campaign Creation

- Hear how Bol.com, the largest online retailer in the Benelux, revolutionised its advertising strategy with Cape.
- Discover how Bol.com implemented a fully native campaign creation process, allowing for seamless in-house ad production across native, social, and display platforms.
- Delve into how Bol.com ensures brand consistency, leverages AI for ad generation, and maintains strict quality control through an integrated approval workflow.

[Content Marketing] Revolutionising Visual Content to Engage B2B Audiences

- Explore techniques to elevate visual search, content curation, and customisation, with real-world case studies showcasing successful innovations by B2B brands.
- Delve into the future of visual storytelling, uncovering immersive formats and AR/VR applications poised to reshape B2B engagement.

B2C Stage

[Breakout Roundtable] [MarTech-Driven Personalisation at Scale] Strategies and Challenges in Leveraging Data for Individualised Customer Experiences

B2B Stage

[Breakout Roundtable] Account-Based Marketing (ABM) in the Digital Age: Integrating MarTech to Drive Targeted Engagement and Growth

[MarTech Data Insights] Transforming Data into Tangible Returns for Brand Growth

- Explore the transformative power of data-driven insights and their impact on driving measurable returns and brand growth. Learn strategies to elevate engagement rates, enhance conversion rates, and maximise ROI through the strategic application of data insights. Gain valuable insights into deciphering what works and what doesn't, empowering you to reallocate resources effectively and craft strategies that deliver tangible results.
- Join us as we delve into the ROI of insights, offering actionable strategies to harness the full potential of data-driven decision-making and drive sustainable growth for your brand.

[Account Based Marketing] The Power of Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

- Explore the transformative potential of ABM as a strategic approach to align sales and marketing efforts, prioritise target accounts, and orchestrate tailored campaigns that resonate deeply with key stakeholders, ultimately driving revenue growth and business success.
- Delve into the power and promise of ABM while addressing the common challenges faced in its implementation, such as data integration, alignment between sales and marketing teams, and measuring ROI, and gain practical insights and solutions to overcome these hurdles and maximise the impact of your ABM initiatives.

Lunch & Networking

Lunch & Networking

[Omnichannel Personalisation] A Blueprint for 360-Degree Customer Engagement & How to Master Multi-Dimensional Brand Loyalty

- Discover the keys to elevating brand loyalty across multiple dimensions through comprehensive customer engagement strategies.
- Explore the art of nurturing brand advocacy by seamlessly integrating omnichannel engagement tactics. Delve into the evolution of personalisation, transcending traditional segmentation to address each customer's unique needs and preferences.
- Join us as we unveil actionable insights and innovative approaches to forge deeper connections, foster loyalty, and drive sustainable growth in today's dynamic marketplace.

[B2B Marketing Metrics] Maximising the Value of Metrics for B2B Marketing Leaders

- Explore how shifts in B2B buyer behaviour are reshaping marketing efforts and learn how marketing leaders can navigate the challenges of gaining valuable insights.
- Discover the critical role of marketing performance metrics in driving business impact and gain insights into identifying and advocating for the right metrics to align with overarching business objectives, particularly in the dynamic European market.

[MarTech Predictive Analytics] Leveraging Predictive Analytics to Anticipate Behaviour

- Unlock the power of predictive analytics in shaping strategic customer engagement initiatives. Explore how predictive analytics empowers marketers to anticipate customer behaviours and needs, enabling proactive and personalised interactions.
- Discover the essential data sources and quality assurance measures required to build effective predictive models, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
- Delve beyond marketing campaigns to explore how predictive analytics can seamlessly integrate into loyalty programs, retention strategies, and long-term customer relationship management efforts.
- Join us as we delve into the transformative potential of predictive analytics, offering actionable insights to drive customer engagement and loyalty in today's dynamic marketplace.

[Demand Generation] Utilising Data Insights from Demand Generation Strategies

- Explore the transformative power of data insights in demand generation strategies, navigating challenges, and leveraging failures as opportunities for growth and innovation.
- Gain valuable insights into harnessing data to drive effective demand generation efforts, while learning how to overcome challenges and embrace failures as valuable learning experiences in the ever-evolving MarTech landscape.

Afternoon Coffee Break

Afternoon Coffee Break

[Customer Data Platforms] Empowering a Customer-Centric Culture: Unlocking Data Democratisation with Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)

- Discover the transformative power of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) in championing a customer-centric culture across your organisation.
- Explore the pivotal role of CDPs in democratising data access and fostering a culture of inclusivity and collaboration.
- Delve into how CDPs influence organisational culture, driving a shift towards customer-centricity by providing actionable insights and enabling personalised experiences.
- Join us as we uncover the key strategies for leveraging CDPs to empower teams, enhance customer relationships, and drive sustainable growth in today's data-driven landscape.

[Financial Constraints] Navigating Budget Cuts & Overcoming Financial Challenges in B2B Marketing

- Delve into strategies for navigating financial constraints while maintaining effective marketing efforts.
- Learn how to optimise your marketing budget, prioritise high-impact activities, and leverage cost-effective tools and technologies.
- Discover best practices from industry leaders on sustaining growth and achieving marketing goals even in tight financial conditions.
- Hear practical solutions and innovative approaches to thrive despite budgetary pressures.

[Mobile App Engagement] Optimising Mobile App Engagement for B2C Success

- Delve into strategies for enhancing user experience, boosting app downloads, and driving engagement and retention rates within B2C mobile applications.
- Explore best practices for optimising user journeys, designing intuitive interfaces, and leveraging personalised features to captivate and retain users.
- Discover tactics for increasing app visibility, driving downloads, and maximising user engagement through effective marketing and promotion strategies.
- Learn how to analyse user data, gather insights, and iterate on your app to continuously improve performance and drive long-term success in the competitive mobile landscape.

[Smarketing Alignment] Two-Way Training and Coaching Strategies for Enhanced Revenue Drive between Sales and Marketing Teams

- Delve into innovative training and coaching strategies designed to foster collaboration and synergy between sales and marketing teams, enabling enhanced revenue drive and mutual success in today's competitive market landscape.
- Explore the dynamic intersection of sales and marketing alignment through two-way training and coaching approaches, empowering teams to leverage each other's strengths, drive revenue growth, and achieve collective business objectives with unprecedented efficiency and cohesion.

Day 2 Closing Remarks & Departure Networking Coffee

Day 2 Closing Remarks & Departure Networking Coffee

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