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Louis-Serge Real del Sarte | Eron Santé

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What are the key priorities for a MarTech stack optimisation strategy to achieve?

– Increase marketing ROI.

What would your company use AI the most for?

– Create scaled hyper-personalised content.

What are the major roadblocks in trialling the new innovations in marketing technologies?

– Integration.

How important is data in making marketing decisions and engaging customers?

– Important – I rely on data 60-80% of the time.

What is the one marketing platform / app / solution you can’t live without? Why?

– Google trends to know the current trends and to propose adapted content.

How do you see the skillsets needed for the marketing profession changing?

– Tomorrow’s challenge will be to humanize data, adopt a tone that reflects its values and weaves a transparent customer relationship.

What will be the next evolution of mobile marketing that we can expect in the coming years?

– Widespread use of speech recognition.

What is the best use of technology you have seen during this time of crisis?

– The funniest was certainly the reuse of the QR Code that was thought to be buried to order at the restaurant.

With the exponential rise of technology, is there still room for offline marketing?

– It seems that there will be less and less room for offline marketing in the future due to technological developments. This is especially so in terms of economics. At ERON Healthcare, for example, the catalogue of our numerous training courses is directly available and can be viewed online, page after page, on our website or from a mobile phone. Updates are automated, whereas the catalogue used to be printed and sent by post to the health sector.

How do you balance experimenting with new technologies vs investing in current technologies that you already utilise?

– It is urgent not to hurry and to wait cautiously until these new technologies have proved their worth.

How do you connect, engage and build a persistent relationship with your customers? – To establish a lasting relationship with our customers, it is necessary to raise their awareness and accompany them throughout their journey and beyond.

Which part of the customer journey is the hardest part to capture data for? -Follow-up after completion of the training.

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Read the Post-Summit Report of The MarTech Summit Berlin, 5 March 2025 to see what we discussed at the summit!

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