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Buying Behavior Evaluation — A Case Study from Logarithmic

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Today’s marketers are often overwhelmed; expected to orchestrate authentic experiences that enable sellers to achieve their objectives, increase efficiency and send leads further at the rightest moment. But with digital-only engagement options peaking, advancements in technology and the growth of data-driven marketing have made things easier. Marketers no longer need to face the fear of missing out on quality leads, even when these contacts don’t present the typical, obvious conversion signals.

The Goal of Buying Behavior Evaluation

Any marketer’s dream is to have all contacts engaged with their content, interested in finding out more, and presented with relevant information. In ideal ecosystems, Marketing & Sales teams fuse together. They fully understand their customers’ journey from end-to-end, they have a good grasp over potential purchase triggers, and they know the right balance between contacts’ engagement and their “readiness” to convert. Quality leads, in large volumes, are sent to sales at the perfect moment.

This Case Study Showcases:

  • Collect information
  • Improve the CX
  • Real-Time details

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