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Peerapat Sirichot | Index Living Mall

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How has your approach to customer engagement/retention/loyalty changed due to new MarTech tools and solutions?

Index Living Mall has new strategies based on customer behaviour tracking tools (like Clevertap) in order to understand customers. This data will be contemplated with 5 years’ direction for the company.

With all the new MarTech tools and solutions now available, what’s one of the key pitfalls to avoid in the procurement process?

The most dangerous pitfall is data itself; I have seen people who have been fallen into the trap of data. In the end, vision is much more important than execution and projection, therefore, we must start with our way to avoid pitfalls.

How have you best managed to integrate legacy systems with new MarTech solutions?

Legacy system will still be there, and cannot be changed, and the issue is not about the legacy tools. It is all about vision vs projection. When the projection wins the game, the policy will support legacy process and no matter how high-tech MarTech is, it is useless.

What MarTech vendors have impressed you with their solutions and understanding of true business needs and challenges?

Based on my experience alone, I have never been impressed with any MarTech vendor, the reason is MarTech is only MarTech, but what we need is BizTech more than any MarTech tools.

How has your organization/team dealt with the challenge of the marketing industry and wider digital world evolving at such a fast pace?

The fast pace is under the tactics side more than the business strategy side. No matter how fast the world can move, the vision can, should and shall be maintained. Therefore, good company with good vision shall not be wavered from a dynamic environment.

Currently, what are you primarily looking for in your digital marketing efforts? Awareness or engagement? Why?

I’m primarily looking at vision, vision will form direction, and direction will form strategies, tactics which leads to results. Good awareness marketing tactic campaigns are meaningless when executions are not aligned with the vision.

What is your key takeaway piece of advice that you would give when speaking to others on how to evaluate and select a MarTech stack?

Begin with your vision.

How did your MarTech journey begin? Please let us know your top 3 findings and discoveries.

  1. Begin with your vision->direction->strategy->tactics.
  2. Analyze your current situation, plan, process etc.
  3. Change, adapt and disturb your current flow and start executing.

For you and your team, which is currently recognized as the larger challenge – MarTech integration or MarTech strategy?

MarTech strategy is the larger one.

Have you mainly chosen to adopt established MarTech or have you also looked into the emerging opportunities? Which?

Look into both directions depending on which area and what the company can expect from these sources of actions.

Which MarTech brands have you found have / are close to best meeting your expectations when it comes to customer experience? Let us know of any brands which have exceeded expectations.

Clevertap is the closest one, there is no brand exceeded expectation.

What do you predict as being the top MarTech trends for 2020?

The trend will be about PDPA, tools will focus on this topic to avoid the risk of data leaking. In other areas, it will be same as the previous year, the company will focus on what to do, very difficult to find a company who can use MarTech effectively.

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