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Müge Uz | QNET

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How has your approach to customer engagement/retention/loyalty changed due to new MarTech tools and solutions?

In the past the biggest driver in customer purchasing behavior was price and quality. Customer satisfaction with these both were driving their loyalty. However today everyone wants to have a unique experience with the brand/ product especially in online marketing channels as we are all living online and mostly with our mobiles.

Every customer is searching for a unique journey and relationship with the brand. If we can give this, we can easily turn customers into brand advocates.

With the new technology, we’re focusing on social media, product and business apps, try me apps and website, YouTube to reach our target customer through ongoing target-based communication. Viral videos and brand videos /product pitch videos also help me to appeal and engage with our customers. Customer segmentation is key to understand tastes of our customers.

With all the new MarTech tools and solutions now available, what’s one of the key pitfalls to avoid in the procurement process?

It is important to find out the right data source which will work in line with your strategy and objectives-goals. Also, you should choose the tools with which you can easily track results so you can adjust and improve accordingly.

How have you best managed to integrate legacy systems with new MarTech solutions?

Shifting from offline marketing tools to online marketing tools is the key and you can reach all the world in seconds through an effective and efficient marketing driven by technology.

Today’s business systems are built with powerful informational architecture and with the right information you can turn your business into a digital giant.

What MarTech vendors have impressed you with their solutions and understanding of true business needs and challenges?

Vendors who give their customers a unique journey and who focus on millennials and shift their business from traditional marketing to modern & high-tech marketing to hit millennials always impresses me.

How has your organisation / team dealt with the challenge of the marketing industry and wider digital world evolving at such a fast pace?

We have been building a marketing strategy in which we link functional benefit to emotional and use the power of digital tools to reach our customers.

Improving agility in all our business solutions after understanding the mindset and tastes of our customers are also helping us to build powerful marketing tools with which we can engage with them and turn them into brand advocates.

Currently, what are you primarily looking for in your digital marketing efforts? Awareness or engagement? Why?

Both are necessary. First, we should make them aware of our brand and then through a sustainable/ongoing targeted based communication we can engage with them. As long as we regularly give them something different which is appealing, it’s easier for us to build a good relation and long-term awareness with our customers.

What is your key takeaway piece of advice that you would give when speaking to others on how to evaluate and select a MarTech stack?

First, they should know what they want to achieve, whom they want to reach and how they can do this. Then they should focus on tracking the effectiveness and efficiency of the strategy they are implementing to achieve their goals.

How did your MarTech journey begin? Please let us know your top 3 findings and discoveries.

I started my business life with old school marketing mostly focusing on offline and events to engage with our customers. However, trends are changing, and I shifted to digital marketing through high tech solutions to catch the time and the market. Right now, my scope is mostly online marketing with which we can hit both millennials and also our current customers through lifestyle and emotional concepts.

For me top 3 findings and discoveries:

  • Segmentation to define your personas and act your marketing efforts accordingly
  • Giving your customers a unique journey with your brand
  • Ongoing target-based communication to have a long-term awareness and engagement

For you and your team, which is currently recognised as the larger challenge – MarTech integration or MarTech strategy?

We divide our marketing plans into 2; long term plans and short-term plans and we brainstorm regularly to adjust our plans to catch the new trends and technology to be able to catch the changes on the behaviors of our customers.

We never stop, always prioritize our projects and track results for efficiency and effectiveness and get learning from our failures and stick to successful ones for improvement. THERE IS ALWAYS A ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT!

Have you mainly chosen to adopt established MarTech or have you also looked into the emerging opportunities? Which?

We do both as the success in both depends on how much you put into your business.

However today MarTech is a booming sector, opportunities keep on coming but the key is how you react.

If you can get the wind of MarTech behind and emerging opportunities where necessary, there is no way not to reach success.

Which MarTech brands have you found have / are close to best meeting your expectations when it comes to customer experience? Let us know of any brands which have exceeded expectations.

We consider 5 key points:

  1. CRM
  2. Marketing automation
  3. Data management and integration
  4. Data visualization and reporting
  5. Content management and personalization

Also, a technology that works best with each other, which is user friendly and easy to implement and which is value for money are key factors when choosing our tools.

Salesforce and Adobe propose different options which easy to adapt and their integration with Microsoft platforms is very good.

What do you predict as being the top MarTech trends for 2020?

AR and VR will keep on being the most effective tools to attract customers by giving them a good experience and a unique journey with the brands. User-friendly apps easy to download and browser push notifications will still be trendy in the upcoming years if you can differentiate them.

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