Convince Your Boss
Want to attend The MarTech Summit but don’t know how to convince your boss? No worries, we’ve got you covered! Check out these points to help you with your proposal.
Good luck and we hope to see you in the summit!
• Hot Agenda
Always keep an eye on the agenda and show it to your boss: No one knows which great speaker will be added to the line up next!
You do not want to miss out on some of the most respected industry speakers’ presentations!
• I will bring valuable information back
Study the agenda prior to contacting your boss, let them know you will learn the latest industry knowledge.
Refer to challenges at work, as our agenda will contain case studies on how to tackle these hurdles from someone who have dealt with it in real life.
• Networking Opportunities
Bear in mind that networking keeps the business going as well as growing. It’s important that you are at the right place at the right time to do great networking.
All our summits follow a strict 80:20 ratio of end users/vendors, so you won’t be approached to buy constantly. Our agenda is packed full of opportunities to expand your network, you’ll be making new connections in no time.
• Established and Experienced
We’re veterans of 50+ summits and counting!
Our team works constantly on improving our summits, such as market research into the latest topics, taking on attendee feedback and bringing on new innovative ideas to create the best summit experience for you.
Do you feel confident now to talk to your boss about attending The MarTech Summit?
Find all the event information here!