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Tanya Manyan | PICA Group

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What are the key priorities for a MarTech stack optimisation strategy to achieve? 

  • Drive pipeline growth or acceleration. 

What would your company use AI the most for? 

  • Develop data-led marketing campaigns. 

What are the major roadblocks in trialling the new innovations in marketing technologies? 

  • Integration. 

What are some of the significant changes to your customer outreach and retention strategies and how has it impacted the growth plan for upcoming years? 

  • Customer retention has extended more broadly into customer experience, and therefore it has become both the responsibility of Marketing and the broader business which requires greater collaboration and integration of efforts. 

At your organisation what tasks in marketing are good to automate and what tasks still need a human touch? 

  • We are mostly automating form data capture and email communications at key engagement points, but a call and/or face-to-face interaction still has an important role for activities at the lower end of the conversion funnel.   

How do you balance experimenting with new technologies vs investing in current technologies that you already utilise? 

  • I allocate a portion of the budget for test and trial ‘campaigns’.  Doing it on a smaller scale and having proven results is often an effective way to get buy-in for the next budget cycle.   

How do you see the skillsets needed for the marketing profession changing? 

  • The focus is definitely becoming more performance driven.  It’s not just about having the skills to use the platform or software, and more about how you can leverage it to drive tangible results.   

With more consumers being conscious of their data being shared, how do you overcome the growing concern? 

  • We promote data security.  Consumers also appear to tolerate completing more form fields or checks points when it is security related.   

Currently, what are you primarily looking for in your digital marketing efforts? Awareness or engagement? Why? 

  • Engagement.  The more engagement points or opportunities to connect with the customer where we can demonstrate our value and create a positive experience, the more likely we are to convert the opportunity into a potential customer.    

When planning a marketing budget, what are the top 3 concerns one should watch out for post COVID-19? 

  • Escalating MarTech costs, escalating dominance of Google and social media spend compared to other digital channels, and the recruitment costs for attracting the right talent.   

What will be the next evolution in marketing technology that we can expect in the coming years? 

  • I expect platforms and software will become easier to use, with growth especially in platforms to better manage multi channels and to track/drive performance. 

What are the key challenges when it comes to implementing Chatbots for the first time? 

  • Who will manage it. Online interactions via social media and the websites are managed by Marketing, Customer Experience is managed by People & Culture and direct customer communications via call or emails are managed by our Customer Care team (or the front-line staff in the branch network), so managing customer queries via Chatbot continues to be debated on whom has the ultimate responsibility.    

What is the best use of technology you have seen during this time of crisis? 

  • The growth of UX across all tech platforms.   

What is the scope of using AI in marketing mix modelling? 

  • We are starting to introduce CDP and predictive analysis.   

With the advancement of AR & VR, how do you see these being utilised in digital storytelling? 

  • To provide visualisation of the product/service offering and/or the benefits it offers. 

What is your strategy to link up traditional and modern trade ecosystem? 

  • Multi-channel connections along the customer journey. 

Do you think people take influencer posts with a pinch of salt? 

  • It still has benefits, but I do think people are looking out more for authenticity. 

How do you foresee the role of gamification across industries? 

  • I would think there’s a huge opportunity for growth in this space. We tried using gamification for a “health check” survey which didn’t work effectively. So, if your objective is data collection, lesson learnt…keep it simple and provide value to promote further (lead nurture) engagement.  

What are the roadblocks in implementing gamification? 

  • To be successful you need great (back-end) technical resources, creative talent, a copywriter and expertise to map out the UX experience. For smaller businesses, it may be too costly to make it work right.   

How much of your marketing is data driven? 

  • 50% 

As mobile and internet use rapidly expands; how do you track customer behaviour change? 

  • By introducing CDP and predictive analysis. 

What challenges do you see in processing data coming from different sources? How to overcome? 

  • Determining what is the source of truth and keeping the data clean (data quality). 

How do you monetise the data/feedback/interactions for future campaigns and alternative growth / revenue channels? 

  • Be clear on what you will measure and do so. Build the business case and demonstrate the value.  

Is there a way to use the data dynamically while creating a seamless physical and digital customer experience? 

  • We are trying to do so through email automation, but haven’t yet introduced this with the physical experience.   

What data enrichment strategies can you suggest that work effectively from your experience? 

  • Build out your model for collecting data in stages to ultimately develop out a comprehensive prospect profile. 

What is the one marketing platform / app / solution you can’t live without? Why? 

  • Marketing Cloud for email (lead nurture) communications. 

What are your views on having a single stack? (e.g. Google or Adobe vs a mix of best stacks for each function) 

  • One stack makes it easier to manage when it comes to integration.  

What’s the best approach/tools to understand customer pain points? Especially when the survey response rate is low. 

  • Dynamic form fill. 

How do you keep abreast of all the latest MarTech out there? 

  • Industry events/webinars, YouTube, articles, social media. 

How do you connect, engage and build a persistent relationship with your customers? 

  • Map out the customer journey and include moments of surprise and delight. 

How do you tackle department silos when it comes to looking into CX proactively? 

  • Stay part of the conversation. Provide recommendations and proposals to problems.   

To build experiences that convert, personalisation is key. How important is segmentation to your personalization strategy? What other key components do you believe contributes towards conversion? 

  • Segmentation has been a critical component to our success.  It didn’t just influence our messaging and creative, but also the way we structured all our digital channels. 

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