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The AppsFlyer Performance Index: Edition XIII

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In a post-iOS 14 world, making good choices is no easy task for marketers as mobile advertising is transforming at its core.

Since 2015, the AppsFlyer Performance Index has helped mobile marketers make their most important decision: which media sources to partner with.

In 2021 and beyond, our ever-evolving Index XIII helps do just that — shed light on the media landscape of a new and complex reality.

What’s inside?

  • SKAN Index: Industry-first SKAdNetwork ranking!
  • Performance rankings based on consenting iOS users to benchmark against non-consenting segments
  • Separate rankings for iOS and Android based on reach, retention, remarketing, growth, and monetization
  • A deep-dive into the performance of Google, Facebook, Apple Search Ads, TikTok, Snap, Unity Ads, ironSource, and others
  • Unrivaled scale covering 17,000 apps, 11 regions, and 40 app categories#

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