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Brand Activation

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Is this another meaningless marketing buzzword? Maybe. But dive deeper into this buzzword and you’ll realise that it’s much more than that.

In simple terms, it is making your brand known to people. For the people who aren’t aware how awesome your company is, your brand is essentially, non-existent in their minds. Once they’ve encountered your company, this can be one of your events, marketing campaigns, advert etc. It is much more than just brand marketing as it changing the status of your company from unknown to known.

In our increasingly multichannel digital world, there are plenty of digital touchpoints and channels that you can utilise to activate your brand. But it is important that you connect all the dots, building your brand and driving traffic to your desired location. More importantly, you want to create an emotional connection so your audience will continue to engage with you and build up loyalty.

This doesn’t just apply to start ups and growing companies, established companies will also go through a “rebrand” from time to time to stay relevant and target a new audience (…Rebrand Activation?)

With all the noise, shortened attention spans and other related issues today’s consumer faces, increasing your brand’s awareness and engagement has become the forefront of marketing campaigns.

By: Matthew Lin

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