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Content Marketing

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Content marketing refers to creating, publishing and distributing content to a targeted audience that doesn’t explicitly promote the company/brand. It is not a hard sales pitch on how great your product is and how people should definitely be purchasing it but giving something of value to your audience in the hope they will convert to a customer.

Traditional marketing is becoming less effective due to technology advancement and the sheer number of competitors out there. Think of a wood furniture store, instead of pitching its intricately carved benches and top-class restoration services, on its website it produces a care guide to look after your wooden furniture. The usual website traffic is interested in only buying furniture, but now the guide has attracted an additional & very targeted group of people (wood furniture owners) to its site. This potentially will lead to more sales and improves customer loyalty as they see this company as one that gives value to its customer.

Regardless of what marketing strategy and technique is used, you cannot market anything without content. Good quality content is needed and should be part of a key part of your marketing strategy. Email newsletters should be read and enjoyed instead of an instant meeting with the deleted button! If you produce good content that customers enjoy, they will eagerly anticipate your email and share it with peers.

By: Matthew Lin

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